16th July DA and arrear DA maybe announced

 16th July DA and arrear DA  maybe announced: West Bengal

A meeting of the finance department has been called on July 18. Where all the financial aspects of the department will be examined. It is also being heard that it will be discussed how much it will cost to comply with the High Court's order to pay the arrears of DA to the employees.

The first four months of the current financial year are about to pass. At this time, Nabanna wants to shape the financial condition of the state government departments and plan for the next eight months. To that end, a special meeting has been convened on July 16 with the financial advisors of each department. This important meeting will be held at 11 a.m. in Salt Lake Karunamayi's Shubhanne. Six special areas have been placed on the government agenda. According to a Finance Ministry official, the current status of central projects will be discussed. This is because the Modi government has stopped giving money for multiple central projects, including 100 days of work. 

Because, a few days ago, the state government has released crores of rupees from its own funds for the 100-day work project. The Center has arrears of around Rs 5,000 crore for multiple such projects. Naturally, it is becoming virtually impossible for the state government to bear this additional financial responsibility by running its own social projects.

In this context, the purpose of this meeting is to find a workable solution beyond the central deprivation. Anikshini demanded that the official of the finance department. There has been money in the state budget and so far there has been money actually spent. Accounts will be discussed. If necessary, the office budget will be cut for social projects.

Money may be withheld. The bureaucrat of IAS rank claimed that several hundred crores of rupees are needed for a bunch of projects including Lakshmi Bhandar, Kanyashree, Rupashree, Yubashree. On top of that, the government employees have to work hard to meet the salaries and pensions of the retired employees.

Details in video

Recently, a Calcutta court has ordered payment of arrears of DA. This will cost an additional several thousand crore rupees a year.

Government of West Bengal Finance Department Audit Branch, Group T (File No. 401027)

No.2817-F(Y)    Dated8th July, 2022


The Additional Chief Secretary/Principal Secretary/Secretary, Department,

Government of West Bengal

Sub: Meeting with the officers of Financial Advisor setup.


I am directed to request you to kindly depute the officers of your Financial Advisor setup to attend a review meeting of the officers of Financial Advisor setup. which is scheduled to be held in the Conference Hall of SUVANNA, Salt Lake, Kolkata on 16.07.2022 from 11.00 AM to discuss the agenda given below:


1. Budget related matters.

2. CSS Schemes and SNA Management.

3. Matters related to PPP Projects.

4. Tender Rules and Financial Management.

5. GeM related Matters 6. Miscellaneous.

Yours faithfully,

Special Secretary to the Government of West Bengal

Copy forwarded to:

Financial Advisors of all Departments with request to attend the same with DFA & AFA

Special Secretary to the Government of West Bengal


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