New Provident fund interest rate:PF interest rate for West Bengal Employees and Teacher

 New Provident fund interest rate:PF interest rate for West Bengal Employees and Teacher

Provident fund এর নতুন সুদের হারের বিজ্ঞপ্তি প্রকাশ করলো অর্থ দপ্তর 

এই অর্থ বর্ষের 01.07.2022 থেকে 30.9.2022 পর্যন্ত General provident fund এর ক্ষেত্রে সুদের হার ধার্য হলো 7.1% per annum
প্রতি ৩ মাস পর পর সুদের হার নির্ধারিত করে থাকে অর্থ দপ্তর। আজ সেই অনুসারে notification জারি করা হলো।
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Dated: Kolkata, the 20th July, 2022


The Governor is pleased to decide that during the period from 01.07.2022 to 30.09.2022, accumulation at the credit of the subscribers to General Provident Fund and other similar funds under the administrative control of the Government of West Bengal shall carry interest at the rate of 7.1% (seven point one percent) per annum. The rate will be in force during this financial

year for the period from 01.07.2022 to 30.09.2022. The funds concerned are:

General Provident Fund (West Bengal Service).

II. Contributory Provident Fund (West Bengal).

iii. Provident Funds maintained under the West Bengal Non-Government Educational Institutions and Local Authorities (CPFE) Act, 1983.

iv) Any other Provident Fund maintained under State Account with the approval of this Government.

2. Ordered that the resolution be forwarded to all Departments of the Government of West Bengal and published in Kolkata Gazette.

By order of the Governor

Sd/-Sukesh Chandra Saha

Joint Secretary to the Government of West Bengal


Dated: Kolkata, the 20th July, 2022

Copy (20 copies) of the resolution to be forwarded to the Senior Deputy Accountant General (Fund Misc.), Office of the Pr. A.G (A&E), West Bengal, G.I Press Buildings, 8- K.S.Roy Road, Kolkata-700001.


Copy forwarded for necessary information to:

1. P.S. to M-I-C, Finance Department, Government of West Bengal. 2. P.S. to A.C, S., Finance Department, Government of West Bengal.

3. The Joint Secretary, E-Governance Cell, Finance Department, Nabanna 4. The Commissioner (All).

5. The Secretary (All Departments of the State Government). 6. The Director (All Directorates of the State Government).

7. The District Magistrate/Judges (All Districts of the State Government).

8. The S.D.O (All Districts of the State Government).

He is requested to circulate the Memo along with the enclosure to all offices under his jurisdiction.

9. The Deputy Secretary, Finance Department, Accounts Branch, Nabanna, Howrah-711 102 10. The Deputy Secretary, Finance Department, Group-H, Writers' Buildings.

11. All the Treasury Officers including the Pay and Accounts Officer, Kolkata Pay and Accounts

Office- I, II & III.

12. The Superintend of Police (all districts)

13. The D.T.A. W. Bengal, Mitra Building, Lyons Range, Kol-01.

14. Shree Sumit Mitra, Network Administrator, Finance Department, Nabanna, Howrah-711102. He is requested to upload this Memo in F.D's Website.

15. Office Copy.

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