At last DA case date fixed in Supreme Court


At last DA case date fixed in Supreme Court 

DA case date mention in Supreme Court 


The issue of Dearness Allowance (DA) has been a long-standing concern for government employees across the country, and West Bengal is no exception. Recently, the case of Dearness Allowance by West Bengal government employees has been brought before the Supreme Court.

The West Bengal government had announced that it would not provide DA to its employees, citing financial constraints as per AICPI. This decision was met with widespread protests from government employees across the state, who argued that they were entitled to receive DA as per AICPI


Today was an important day in the Supreme Court, as various cases were being heard and discussed. One particular case had a Mention Hearing scheduled for today, with a specific date set for Hon'ble Justice Dinesh Maheshwari to appear before Bench No. 6 on Tuesday, March 21st, 2023.

This case has yet to be fully disclosed, but it is important to note that a Mention Hearing was held to allow for detailed discussions on the matter at hand. The Hon'ble Justice Dinesh Maheshwari will be present at the bench for this case, with representatives from both sides in attendance.

It is not uncommon for cases in the Supreme Court to have Mention Hearings scheduled, as they allow for further information and technology to be presented to both parties. The purpose of these hearings is to provide a platform for both sides to present their arguments and evidence, so that the judges can make a well-informed decision.

It is important to note that the Supreme Court is responsible for making some of the most important legal decisions in the country. The decisions made by the court not only impact individuals and organizations involved in the cases, but also set legal precedents that will be followed in the future.

Overall, today's Mention Hearing in the Supreme Court was an important step in the legal process for this particular case. We will have to wait and see what happens next, but one thing is for certain: the Hon'ble Justice Dinesh Maheshwari's appearance at Bench No. 6 on March 21st, 2023, marks an important moment in this case's journey through the legal system.

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