Questions and Answers on Science/(Questions that have appeared in UPSC and American Job Competative examination)

 Questions and Answers on Science/(Questions that have appeared in UPSC and American Job Competative examination)

Questions with answers on Science Part 1

(For students and UPSC and American Competative examination)

Question 1. 
  The gravitational force with which the sun attracts the earth

 A. Is less than the force with his the earth attracts the sun
B. Is the same as the force with his Earth attracts the sun.
C. Is more than the force with his the earth attracts the sun
D. Is constant throughout the year.
Answer : Option B

Question 2.
   If the distance between the Earth and the Sun where twice what is now, the gravitational force exerted on the earth by the sun would be
A. Twice as large as it is now
B. Four times as large as it is now.
C. Half of what it is now
D. One fourth of what it is now.
Answer: option D

Question 3.

If two bodies, one heavy and one light, are acted upon by the same Force for the same time, then both bodies acquire the
A. Same velocity
B. Same momentum
C. Same acceleration
D. None of the above
Answer Option B

Question 3.

   The mass of a body is different from its weight because
A . Mass is a variable quantity where is weight is constant
B. Mass varies very little at different places where as weight varies a lot.
C. Mass is constant but weight increases as the body moves from the poles to the equator
D. Mass is a measure of the quantity of matter where is weight is a force

Answer option D

Question 4.
    The weight of a body is
A. The same everywhere on the surface of the earth
B. Maximum at the poles
C. Maximum at the equator.
D. More on the hills than in the Planes
Answer Option B

Question 5. 

   A body weight slightly more at the poles than at the equator because
A. The earth is flat at the poles.
B. The earth has the maximum speed of rotation at the equator.
C. The attractive force at the poles increases due to the ice cap
D. None of this is a complete explanation
Answer option D

Question 6.

    A person weight more in a lift, which is
A . Moving up with a constant velocity
B. Moving down with a constant velocity.
C. Acceleration of upward
D. Accelerating downward
Answer Option C

Question 7.

    If a body is taken from the Earth to the moon
A. Its mass will be different but weight will remain the same
B. Both mass and weight will be different
C. It's Mars will remain the same but wait will be different.
D. It's mass and weight will remain unchased

Answer Option C

Question 8.
    A ball tied with a string to a rotating shaft revolves at uniform speed. As the shaft is suddenly brought to rest the string starts getting round the shop with the angular velocity of the ball
A. Increasing
B. Decreasing
C. Remaining constant
D. Becoming zero

Answer Option A

Question 9.

    One finds it more difficult to walk on ice then on a concrete road because
A. I see soft and spongy whereas concrete is hard.
B. The friction between the ice and the feet is less than that between the concrete and the feet.
C. There is more friction on ice then on 
D. None of these
Answer Option B

Question 10.
    It is easier to roll a barrel then to pull it because
A. The full weight of the barrel comes into play when it is pulled
B. Rolling friction is mass less than sliding friction
C. The surface area of the barrel in contact with the road is more in the case of pulling
D. Of a reason other than those mentioned

Answer Option B

Question 11.

    A sheet of paper can be pulld out quickly from underar a glass of water without spilling the water. This phenomenon illustrates

A. Lack of friction between paper and glass
B. Newton's third law of motion.
C. Inertia.
D. Acceleration

Answer Option C

Question 12.

      A horse pulling a tonga moves forward due to the force exerted by

A. The tonga on the horse
B. The horse on the Tonga
C. The horse on the ground with his feet
D. The ground on the horse's feet

Answer Option D

Question 13.

      When the velocity of a body is doubled, its 
A. Acceleration is doubled.
B. Momentum is doubled
C. Kinetic energy is doubled.
D. Potential energy is doubled.

Answer Option B

Question 14.

When the speed of a body is doubled, its kinetic energy becomes

A. Double.   B. Half.   C. Quadruple. D. One-fourth

Answer Option C

Question 15.

     Winding a watch is actually the process of storing

A. Electrical energy. 
B. Pressure energy
C. Kinetic energy
D. Potential energy.

Answer Option D.

Question 16.

     A long thread suspended from a fixed point, has a small mass swinging to and fro at its lower end.

 A. The potential energy of the mass is maximum in the middle of the swing.
B. The kinetic energy is maximum in the middle of the swing.
C. The potential energy is always equal to the kinetic energy.
D. The sum of the potential energy and the kinetic energy is maximum in the middle of the swing.

Answer Option B

Question 17.

     Conservation of energy means that

A. Energy can be created as well as destroyed
B. Energy can be created but not destroyed.
C. Energy cannot be created but can be destroyed
D. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed

Answer Option D

Question 18

   A person climbing a hill bends forward in order to

A. Avoid slipping
B. Increased speed
C. Reduce fatigue
D. Increase stability.

Answer Option D.

Question 19. 

   The period of revolution of a geostationary satellite is

A. 24 hours
B. 30 days
C. 365 days
D. Changing continuously

Answer Option A

Question 20.

   If a matter is released from an orbiting spaceship, it will
A. Fall towards the earth
B. Move along with the spaceship at the same speed.
C. Move at a higher speed.
D. Move at a lower speed.

Answer Option B

   Only twenty questions and answers on science subjects are given here, more questions will be answered in the next blog post.

Hope the questions and answers given here will be useful for students and job seekers from all countries including USA Canada Australia India.

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